
Create basic C++ Assignment

create course

Create an assignment

  • Click on connect on the course.

  • Click on formgrader tab on menubar. It will open a new page on new tab.

  • Create one assignment and click on the link mentioned in the Name (first column).


You can download basic C++ assignment file with following link.
Download cpluscplus.ipynb file

  • You can upload it by clicking on upload button right side of the jupyter notebook, select the file already downloaded and click on upload button.
  • Uploaded file is a assignments. you'll see assn-cplusplus in file section. You can open it by clicking on it.
  • To verify this assignment is working correctly, You can click on validate button that you can find in the tool bar.
  • Congratulations! ✨ 🔥 👏

How to install and use c++ library?

  • Open terminal.

Open terminal

  • We provide a package for the conda package manager.

  • Installing xwidgets and the C++ kernel

conda install xeus-cling xwidgets -c conda-forge
  • Then, the front-end extension must be installed for either the classic notebook or JupyterLab.

  • Installing the extension for the classic notebook

conda install widgetsnbextension -c conda-forge
- Installing the JupyterLab extension

jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager


This command defaults to installing the latest version of the JupyterLab extension. Depending on the version of xwidgets and jupyterlab you have installed you may need an older version

  • To test the installation of c++ library with conda.
#include "xwidgets/xslider.hpp"

Install Boost library

  • Open terminal.

Open terminal

  • We provide a package for the conda package manager.
conda install -c conda-forge boost
  • To test the installation of boost library with conda.
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/locale.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/case_conv.hpp>


  • You can not run a main method as xeus-cling is a Jupyter kernel for C++ based on the C++ interpreter cling and the native implementation of the Jupyter protocol xeus. more about xeus-kernel